מאגר סיפורי מורשת

אוצר אנושי מתוכנית הקשר הרב-דורי

World Series on the High Holidays

Jack Sanders and Fred Grossman
Fred Grossman

Fred Grossman was born in 1936 in El Paso, Texas, USA.

The first time he felt a sense of his Jewish identity was when he was in elementary

school and someone called him a kike. Kike is a racist offense for a Jew.

Fred has memories of celebrating the high holidays when he was young. He remembers that on the high holidays, everyone wanted to leave the service and find out what the World Series score was.

His favorite Jewish tradition today is the Seder, because it is a chance for the family to get together to celebrate a custom meal and prayers.

Jack: I have learned that whether you grow up in Israel or El Paso, life stories are still very interesting.



Racial offense for a Jew


”Everyone wanted to leave the service and find out what the World Series score was“

הקשר הרב דורי