מאגר סיפורי מורשת

אוצר אנושי מתוכנית הקשר הרב-דורי

A Found Treasure

details from the prject
Gabriella and David's presentation
Rediscovering A Family Heirloom

Gabriella and David's project revolves around an important family heirloom, their great-grandparents' Megillah. After her husband's death, their Great-Grandmother sold the family Megillah in order to make end's meet. Fortunately, as it turned out, the Megillah's next owner was another family member, a great uncle. At a party years later, the great uncle surprised his family with the megillah and returned it, as it was their right to own it. The project consists of a diorama, the young boy representing the future of the family and Jewish people, and the grogger, like purrim, represents the dominance of joy over pain and sorrow.

הפרויקט של גבריאלה ודיוויד סובב סביב ירושה משפחתית חשובה: מגילה של סבא וסבתא. לאחר מות בעלה, סבתא רבתא שלהם מכרה את המגילה המשפחתית. למרבה המזל, כפי שהתברר, הבעלים הבא של המגילה היה בן משפחה אחר, דוד. במסיבה כעבור שנים הפתיע הדוד את משפחתו במגילה והחזיר אותה, שכן זכותם להחזיק בה. הפרויקט מורכב מדיורמה, הילד הצעיר המייצג את עתיד המשפחה והעם היהודי.

הזוית האישית

Gabriella and David Friedman participated in My Family Story 2021. My Family Story is an experiential and fun Jewish heritage program that involves Jewish youth from 30 countries around the globe. Students research their roots, conduct family interviews and use their creative skills to design original, artistic installations that capture the essence of their family history. Top entries are selected for display in an international exhibition in Memory of Manuel Hirsch Grosskopf, displayed at ANU – Museum of the Jewish People.


The text read over Purim recounting the holiday story

In popular usage, an heirloom is something that has been passed down for generations through family members. Examples are a Family Bible, antiques or jewelry. The term originated with the historical principle of an heirloom in English law, a chattel which by immemorial usage was regarded as annexed by inheritance to a family estate. Loom originally meant a tool. Such genuine heirlooms were almost unknown by the beginning of the twentieth century. (Wikipedia)


”The family's Megilah is over 150 years old“

הקשר הרב דורי