מאגר סיפורי מורשת

אוצר אנושי מתוכנית הקשר הרב-דורי

A childhood dream

Grandfather Max and granddaughter Avital
Max as a child
How I started out in life, and what led to me following my dreams

My name is Max grunberg. I was born in Zutphen, Holland, in 1952. My parents' names are Albert and Liesel, and they were born in germany. I have one older brother, named herman. My parents had a business in old metal. My father was a holocaust survivor, and was in different concentration camps, the main one was in auschwitz. My mother was also a holocaust survivor. She had a non-jewish father, which enabled her to move around freely. They got married in 1947.

Max as a child

תמונה 1

My childhood was influenced by the holocaust syndrome of my father. My father, having been in concentration camps, was emotionally damaged. He used to tell me about his difficult experience in the holocaust, which is hard for an eight year old child to bear.

Grandpa Max with a pony

תמונה 2

My grandfather in Germany was a cattle dealer. He perished in the holocust. My father's greatest wish was that I had to become a cattle dealer. as a child we had animals: a goat and a pony. First thing every morning I had to feed the pony before I went to school. Later, when I was seventeen years old I became a trainee in cattle dealing. I would rather focus on my studying, but i knew that by becoming a cattle dealer i would fulfill my father’s wish. later in life I had a chance to become a motivational consultant. That was a continuation of my dream. My dream was further fulfilled by publishing a book about empowering women.

Grandpa Max

תמונה 3

הזוית האישית

Through this project I was able to pass my life story on to our grandchild, Avital, which was important to me. Hearing from Avital how interesting and important it was for her to learn more about my story, moved me greatly.


a group of signs and symptoms that occur together and characterize a particular abnormality or condition


”A single dream is more powerful than a thousand realities”. J.R.R Tolkien. “

הקשר הרב דורי