מאגר סיפורי מורשת

אוצר אנושי מתוכנית הקשר הרב-דורי

ילדות מסורתית בתל אביב

סבתא דליה
תמונת הילדות שנבחרה
ילדותה של סבתי דליה

My Grandmother's Picture

Description of the picture

תמונה 1

I chose this picture because my grandma was very young and it's unusual. The year of the picture was taken is 1955on Rosh Hashanah and my grandma was 3 years old in this picture.  It's only my grandma in the picture and she is sits on a car and wears a dress.

My Grandmother's Favorite Dish

My grandmother's favorite dish is Stuffed Vegetables. The vegetables are of all kinds: eggplant, white cabbage, vine leaves or Swiss chard leaves. Grandmother makes stuffed seasonal vegetables. They are stuffed with meat, rice and herbs.

My grandmother's parents continued the tradition from their country of origin (Syria and Turkey) and used it in their everyday life. In her family, the stuffed vegetables were the favorite, delicious and satisfying. In the sauce were put garlic, lemon and herbs with dried fruit. This dish has accompanied my grandmother from childhood to the present day.

My grandmother's children (my mother and my uncles) love stuffed vegetables and to this day they cook it at home. The tradition has been passed down generation to generation

My Grandma's Childhood

My grandmother was born in 1952 in Tel Aviv to a family of 14 people. Her family contained 12 children of whom were already married and they lived in a two-room apartment with a balcony. Quality time with parents was always on Saturdays like trip to Jerusalem, Tiberias and the beaches in Tel Aviv, my Grandma is missing those trips.

My grandma's hobbies were collecting stamps and collecting models of elephants. She would go all over Tel Aviv to collect the stamps and the models of the elephants she would receive as a gift, today she does not have the stamp collection but the models of the elephants have been kept and she keeps them in a closet. One game that my grandma really liked is jumping the rope.

All the kids in the neighborhood would gather and play with it every day. The language spoken at my grandma's house was Arabic, but outside with friends the language she spoke was Hebrew. In Arabic my grandma could not read and write but she  could speak this language and in Hebrew my grandma could write, read and speak.

I learnt that the childhood of the past was different from the childhood of today, because there is new technology that allows you to progress faster in everyday tasks than in the past. The games and the dishes in the past are were also different from today, in my opinion.

My Grandmother's School Years

My grandmother elementary school was in Israel in the city of Tel Aviv and the name of the school was "Etzion".

My grandmother's school was divided into two parts: one part was for grades 1-3 and the other part was for grades 4-6. There was only one class in each stream because the school was not that big. The subjects taught at my grandmother's school were: Torah, Mathematics, Hebrew, Craft, English and Cleanliness. The attitude of teachers to students in my grandmother's school, was equal among all students, no matter how smart the student was, the teacher would call on the board to solve exercises of her choice regardless of the level

of the students. My grandmother started her school years in 1958 and finished in 1966. My grandmother's school had a special flute-playing class and there was a singing class. At school every day the students would get a lunch that included rice and chicken. There was no uniform, each student got dressed as he wished but in the sports class the students undertook to wear blue shorts.

 At my grandmother's school the punishment the students usually received was to write a sentence hundreds of times and another punishment was that if a student disturbed the teacher's explanation in the lesson, they would call him aside or even sent him out of the classroom. The teacher my grandmother loved the most was the teacher who taught in her class, the one who taught her all the subjects.

My grandmother says that the schools of her period were different from today in the building, there were no air conditioners, and there was no cafeteria and no football fields, also the school games were different. My grandmother says

that the schools of today and the schools of her time are similar by some of the subjects and having annual trips. My grandmother feels that today there are more sensitive attitudes towards students and that today young people are able to reach higher achievements than ever before…

 הזוית האישית

איתמר: ממש נהניתי מהעבודה, גם סבתא שלי נהנתה ממנה. למדתי עליה הרבה דברים שלא ידעתי עליה בגלל שפשוטאי פחדתי לשאול. הכתיבה הייתה די קשה אבל המאמץ היה שווה. היה נחמד ומהנה, אני מקווה שימשיכו את תכנית הקשר הרב דורי, המלמדת כל כך הרבה על המבוגרים


אוסף בולים
איסוף בולים הוא ענף של תחום הבולאות/פילטליה. איסוף בולים ופריטי דואר נלווים, נחשב לתחביב אספנות מאוד נפוץ במאה ה-19 ואילך בשל הופעתם המהירה של בולים ופריטי דואר אותם הפיקו מדינות רבות.


”My grandmother's parents continued the tradition from their country of origin“

הקשר הרב דורי