מאגר סיפורי מורשת

אוצר אנושי מתוכנית הקשר הרב-דורי

НАСЛЕДИЕ ЖУРНАЛИСТА МАРКА ЛЕВИНА – מורשתו של העיתונאי מארק לוין

Марк Левин
Марк Левин
Память остается

This research paper is based on the topic of The heritage of journalist Mark Levin. The paper examines various opinions obtained during interviews with people who knew Mark Levin. The picture is complemented by the study of materials related to Mark Levin, found in archives and open sources.

The author of the study emphasizes:

1. Focus on deep topic elaboration

2. Interviewing people who knew Mark Levin

3. Study of different points of view expressed in the interview

4. The desire to understand the message of Mark Levin to the world

In the course of research work with the help of interviews and information found, the author got acquainted with the biography of Mark Levin, learned deeply and fully about the time in which the journalist studied and lived, examined his publications and read the book Male Logic.

This became possible thanks to the comprehensive assistance of the administration and teachers of the Jewish school.

Mark Levin actively promoted the profession of journalism with his publications and students that he brought up at the Estonian-American Business Academy. The author of the study concludes that the journalist's heritage is in students, colleagues, friends and in articles that caused a public response and changed lives for the better.

The complete study: 

תמונה 1

הזוית האישית

Наследие журналиста Марка Левина в памяти, живущей в нас.


Тартуский университет
Высшее учебное заведение в Эстонии известное своей историей.


”Наследие журналиста Марка Левина в памяти, живущей в нас. “

הקשר הרב דורי