מאגר סיפורי מורשת

אוצר אנושי מתוכנית הקשר הרב-דורי

ЕВРЕЙСКИЕ ДЕТИ ЖЕРТВЫ ХОЛОКОСТА – ילדים יהודים כקורבנות השואה

Рут Рубин
Акт допроса Рут Рубин
Рут Рубин

My research work tells about all the horrors during the Holocaust and pays more attention to children during the Holocaust based on the story of 14 year old girl Ruth Rubin who suffered a series of terrible events in her life – the arrest of her own parents, the arrest of the person who was the only one who accepted her after her arrest parents, his own arrest, sent to the Tallinn Central Prison and the ghetto, and in the end, rape and execution. The purpose of this work was to understand and study why the Germans were so cruel to children who were helpless, unable to do anything at all, and why they suffered such a fate during the Second World War. During the study, a clear work plan was drawn up, dozens of materials on the Holocaust and children during the Holocaust, the archives of the Tallinn Jewish Museum, Gennady Gramberg's handouts were carefully studied, and the main part of the work was written. At the end of the work, it was found out that according to Nazi ideology, children were exterminated because of Hitler's speech, that the character, qualities and behavior of a person of the lowest race of society would be passed on from generation to generation, and it was necessary for the Germans to prevent the continuation of the lineage of Jews, Gypsies, Africans and Slavs. Also, the soldiers of the German army also took pleasure in torturing helpless people, and even worse, children.

The full research:

תמונה 1

הזוית האישית

Важно понимать, что осмысление трагедии холокоста поможет предотвратить повторение подобного в мировой истории.


Нюренбергские законы
Антиеврейские законы, принятые в нацистской Германии.


”Да, говорить о холокосте тяжело и больно, но мы должны помнить о массовом истребление целого народа.“

”כן, קשה וכואב לדבר על השואה, אבל צריך לזכור את ההשמדה ההמונית של עם שלם“

הקשר הרב דורי