מאגר סיפורי מורשת

אוצר אנושי מתוכנית הקשר הרב-דורי

Savour of Judaism

Kevin Cohen and Joseph Moba
Joseph Moba on his wedding
Yom Kippur and Bar Mitzva Jossej savours of Judaism

Joseph Mobasseri is my grandfather. He was born in Tehran,Iran in 1936.
When he was little his dad used to take him to shul every Saturday morning and on holidays.
On Yom Kippur he used to go to an old shull and all of his friends were there.
He remembers that since there were a lot of people there they had to put a tent in court yard with chairs for
people to sit on and pray.
Joseph remembers reading the Torah on his bar mitzvah and it was great experience for him.
 having Seders on Pesach is a special tradition for Joseph because he gets to be with his family.
Joseph went to high school in Iran. He left Iran in 1957 and started going to college in
Sacramento. Later he transferred to Idaho State university in Idaho. That is a little about my
grandfather and his Jewish identity . 


bar mitzvah
A Bar-Mitzvah is a very significant event in Jewish Life, a celebration of when a boy becomes a man


” they had to put a tent in court yard with chairs for people “

הקשר הרב דורי