מאגר סיפורי מורשת

אוצר אנושי מתוכנית הקשר הרב-דורי

Holidays with the family

me and grandma
birkat hamazon
My grandma talks aboat spending jewish holidays with her family

Describe the first time you felt a sense of your Jewish Identity?
When I was in Romania when my father was a canter  
Describe a memory of celebrating a Jewish holiday when you were
In Israel all the holidays with my family and grandparents. 
What is your favorite Jewish tradition you practice today and why?
In our family we say Kiddush in a different tune. Why
While documenting the story mention as many details as possible, including significant family names, places and dates, to record the most authentic, rich and accurate narrative as possible. 
I use to play with my cousins hide and speak when we were done eating on Pesakh, I remember During Sukkot sleeping in the sukkah and having a great time with the whole family playing games and having fun. I remember sitting around f the table with my whole family having a great time and at the end saying Birkat hamazon. It was all fun and games with the whole family, but then I heard that my Sabah was going to move to the US to become a canter. For many years we. Stayed in Israel, but then one day my Sabah called and said, " you guys should come move hear with the whole family, I have build a great life, and it is very safe.” That's how I got to the US, but it was not that easy, we had to take a boat to the US, and many of my cousins that came got really sick, and it was non stop. It was a very turf journey, but my Sabah was right, it was a lot safer, and he did build a great life.

The most interesting thing that I learned from this interview was that every single holiday all of my Savtas Cousins, Uncles, Aunts, and Grandparents all got together to have a great time celebrating the holidays.

תשע"ו, 2016


recognise or treat


”That Sitting around the table was a crucial part in our holidays“

הקשר הרב דורי